Reel Boosted conversion by 26% across their affiliate partners

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increase in conversion
cobranded landing pages
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”Superfiliate has been a great way for us to scale our affiliate and referral program and do it in a way that perfectly compliments our business. The team is great to work with and they're constantly adding new and amazing features to the app.”

VP of Growth and Performance Marketing at Reel
How Superfiliate supercharged Reel's

rewards and referral program 


Leveraging Superfiliate’s front end infrastructure, Reel was able to design and deploy 50+ affiliate landing pages within 24 hours.

Double down on top performers

Reel was able to track and identify their highest performing podcasts and newsletters to understand where to reinvest.

Drive new subscribers

Reel was able to offer new subscribers a special offer that has ultimately brought a higher LTV customer base.

Parallel Referral Program

Reel was able to launch their referral program in parallel to their affiliate program all within the Superfiliate app.

SEE How Other Brands
are Using Superfiliate

Referral & Loyalty

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