Accelerate subscriber growth with Superfiliate and Recharge

Superfiliate’s integration with Recharge transforms how you grow and retain your subscription base through high-converting landing pages and enticing rewards.

Upsell Subscriptions on Auto-Pilot

Effortlessly subscriptions through Superfiliate’s co-branded landing pages. Easily customize Superfiliate landing pages to showcase your subscription offerings, enticing new customers and driving subscriber growth effortlessly.

Cashing In Is Simple

Superfiliate’s wallet compatibility with Recharge’s portal means your Superfiliates can easily use their earned balances towards their upcoming subscriptions. It’s a win-win: They enjoy the rewards, and you see better retention rates for a higher LTV.

Get Creative with Rewards

Who doesn’t love a bit of gamification? Create recurring incentives where Superfiliates earn for the lifetime of their referred customer's subscription, catalyzing ongoing engagement and loyalty.

Rewards = Retention

Keep your subscribers hooked with attractive retention strategies. From cashback rewards to milestone—based gifting—incentivize your customers to stick around for the long haul, enhancing lifetime value and reducing churn.

See how Superfiliate and Recharge are reshaping the subscription landscape.